Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bread donuts


One of the things that I value with regard to being able to cook, is that one gains astuteness. It becomes more ingenious to remember recipes and to make use of the ingredients that it already has at home. For example: how can they be useful the stale bread, not to have to throw it?

(I resided …)

Protocol and ceremony. What is?

There are words that one uses why if. We use them, say them, but we do not realize well his meaning. For example, it happens to me with the words “ceremony“ and “protocol“. What do they mean really? What is the difference between both?

(I resided …)

Delightful ice cream of plums and ginger


The season does not matter: the ice cream is always welcome. If you want to give him a new flavor to your vanilla ice cream it tries to turn it into a delightful ice cream of plums and ginger. It is a too simple procedure not to try it!

(I resided …)

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Recipe of sauce of cheese feta


Cheer up to know each other new sauces to accompany your meals. In this case we will prepare a cheese sauce feta that you will love. Perfect for any aperitif!. I assure to you that quedrás like a king of the kitchen. Also, it is a flexible super recipe so you will be able to adapt it as more you liked. Already know it!

(I resided …)

Yes and them not in the table


What does one can and it is not possible to do in the table? Do they realize it well? Possibly some things know. For example, they must know that it is not good to play with the meal, to put the elbows on the table, to eat with the open mouth and to steal meal of the plate of another messmate.

(I resided …)

It grazes with chicken, tomato and cheese feta


Today if that there is no excuse that it costs. The absence of time, of desire or that thing about that is not worth while cooking when one is the only one is not a sufficient reason not to prepare this delightful pasta plate with tomato and cheese feta. It is a really simple and rapid recipe that you are going to adore.

(I resided …)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Artichokes to the mint


If you have changed only it is logical that you do not want to cook every day for you, but the true thing is that when visits come, there is nothing better than to entertain them with a rich plate. Do not you know how? Do not worry. Today we prepare a few very delightful artichokes to the mint and very easy. Very well, but the last thing a secret can be …

(I resided …)

Pig chops with bilberries sauce


Will you receive visits at home? Surprise them at the time of eating! A few chops of pig accompanied by sauce of bilberries will leave you like an expert in the kitchen. You will prepare a delightful dinner and with very much style. They all will remain pleased!.

(I resided …)

To put the table. Why?


Has the expression ever surprised them “to put the table”? To me yes. That's why the same …, I put myself in inquiries. Why “do we put the table”, if the table is always there? It is strange … nevertheless, even the strangest thing has history.

(I resided …)

Monday, December 28, 2009

Protocol: how to use the silverware


At what age did you learn to use the silverware? I know already! Possibly you do not remember it. After all you were very small. Nevertheless, you might estimate some date. Is a small effort and think! How many years have happened?: what age do you have today?

(I resided …)

Salmon roasted with lime and cilantro


One of the big advantages of the salmon, one of the most delightful fish in the gastronomy, is that it is possible to prepare of thousand forms. Fresh air, in conserve, cooked to the stove, smoked … it is a question of a really versatile ingredient for your recipes, and in this occasion we tell you how to prepare a few delightful filets of salmon roasted with lime and cilantro.

(I resided …)

Potatoes with snuff and clams


It is always a good moment to begin with the diet and the healthy meal. But this does not mean that we have to spend famine or eat these things that we hate. Everything opposite, to look for exotic and new recipes can be the big solution for those that love the good one eating. Exactly that's why, today we tell you of a nourishing, rapid and exquisite recipe, a few potatoes with angler fish and clams that are going to love you.

(I resided …)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Delightful banana pancakes


Again the hour has come to him to the pancakes. I make sure you that to prepare a few pancakes is the form more sure of that our breakfast turns into a real delight. In this case we are going to prepare a few pancakes of banana and sour cream. Perfect to begin the morning with a lot of energy!

(I resided …)

Greek salad of chicken and avocado


Nothing better than a Greek salad of chicken and avocado. Chicken goes, avocado, cheese feta and tomato, between other ingredients. A plate really fresh and full of nutrients. Perfect to feed the whole family and without too many problems at the time of cooking.

(I resided …)

Jewish women salad with egg


Both in winter and in summer the salads are an obligatory plate. And the fact is that they can be prepared of thousand ways and in only a few minutes. There are undoubtedly a big joker of the gastronomy. Today we prepare one of green Jewish women and eggs. Simple and delightful.

(I resided …)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Tortellini with vetches

tortellini-con-arvejas.jpg tortellini-con-arvejas.jpg

It is possible that you have not even time you do not even win of cooking, but when children are had the reality is that you cannot leave them without eating. That's why, to facilitate the task to him, today we tell you how to prepare these simple but very rich tortellini with vetches.

(I resided …)

Recipe of grilled mushrooms


If you have thought to prepare some plate in your broiler make the most of the opportunity to add a few delightful mushrooms. It does not import with what you combine them, they will be perfect to accompany almost any preparation. The best thing of everything is that almost they are prepared alone! You will see that it will not find it hard to you anything doing them and the result will be extremely tasty.

(I resided …)

Protocol: to use the napkin


When they are going to eat out: what do they do with the napkin? If they do not do anything, they must read this article in urgent form. If they want to use it but they do not know how to do it, they must read this article in urgent form. If they put it on his skirt and feel insecure, also they must read this article in urgent form. But if they use it to give lashes to the messmate of the right, better do not read anything; you already have no arrangement.

If they are already reading this paragraph, I assume that they are not part of the last group. I do not want any insubordinate one marauding between these letters. I do not want any …: it is more! I save myself the right of admission (I do not know how to implement it, but I save it myself).

(I resided …)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Chimichurri: variant Nº 2


Not long ago we speak about the chimichurri. What seemed to them?: did they like the recipe? I proved it with meat to the stove and a few sausages. And I liked … I cannot say that not. Nevertheless, it is not the variant of chimichurri that any more of I like. There are a lot of ways of preparing the chimichurri, this typical seasoning of Argentina and Uruguay, which is used to wet the meat, to marinate fish and birds and to savor frankfruters or achuras.

(I resided …)

Special egg sándwich


The sándwiches are the best thing. To prepare them does not imply spending long time to in the kitchen … at least we need to make dirty too much. They are really practical!. Also, they turn into a perfect option when we want to enjoy of one day outdoors family or friends. In this opportunity we will prepare a spectacular egg sándwich.

(I resided …)

Cookies of fat of peanut with M&MÆs

peanut cookies

Only he is enough to read the name of the recipe to make sure that it will be worth while preparing it: truth? Cookies of fat of peanut with M&MÆs! If this weekend you think to continue looking at home at some movie nothing better than to accompany this free time on these delightful cookies. Also: if you have boys at home they will go crazy with them!

(I resided …)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Scrambled eggs with bacon and avocado


I believe that there is nobody who could refuse to a few delightful scrambled eggs with bacon and avocado. They are very simple of realizing, rapids and incredibly delightful. And to speak of economic that prove. Bearing in mind that the enough fond crisis to our pockets, this plate that we invite you to do next turns out to be ideal.

(I resided …)

Healthy asparagus cream


To enjoy fresh and healthy but still delightful plates is not impossible. If you believed that to take care of your figure was meaning to eat lechuguita the whole day go that you have been wrong. In fact, it is everything opposite, and to try it on today we bring to you this rich asparagus cream with soy sauce.

(I resided …)

Cheese provolone grilled


They cannot already say that they do not know anything about the cheese provolone, because not long ago we have presented it. Nevertheless, we omit something very important. It is more! I would say that extremely important. About what do I speak? Of a recipe. But eye … does not talk each other of any recipe. I go to speak to them about something very special, the best recipe with this cheese: provolone grilled.

(I resided …)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Chimichurri: variant Nº 1


The chimichurri is much more than a graceful word. It is a sauce or marinade to eat with the meat. It is typical in Argentina and Uruguay and it looks alike to the Chilean pebre. Now well … it looks alike, but it is not. The chimichurri (I love to say this word), is a piquant sauce that is used to wet the meat and to heighten his flavor. Also it is used to give flavor to the frankfruters, the achuras and to marinate fish and birds.

(I resided …)

Spaghetti with roast tomatoes and lemon


If you belong to those that these spaghuetti say to him yes to the combination of pasta and vegetables with roast tomatoes and lemon they will turn out to be extremely tasty to you. A plate to be born in mind at all times, especially at the moment of improvising a lunch for the whole family. Delightful and rendidor.

(I resided …)

Recipe of soup of onion


If you are looking after in the meals and want to feed in a healthy way do prepare this recipe of soup of onion. It prepares the quantity sufficient for the whole week and takes a plate before every meal. It is simple, economic, exquisite. For what more can you ask?

(I resided …)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Nourishing lentils with vegetables


Although most of the persons associate the vegetables with warm winter stews, the true thing is that they can be prepared in the whole year. And not only that, it is very important to add them to our diet since not only they are rich but also very nourishing. Today we prepare a few rich lentils with vegetables that you will love.

(I resided …)

Cheese provolone


What do they think about the cheese provolone? Do they know it?: have they proved it? I hope that yes, because it is worth while. The cheese provolone (Provolone Val Padana) is a cheese of Italian origin, which today is consumed in the whole world.

(I resided …)

Protocol: to eat with the hands


To eat with the hands …: what a topic! Must we do or not it? In general, nobody is afraid to eat with the hands when it is in a pizzeria of quarter, in his house or in that of any friends. But when the event of sumptuous pone, everything changes. We are already not so sure of eating with the hands. What must we do?

(I resided …)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Recipe of cookies of sesame


Not all the cookies recipes have because to be of chocolate. If you prefer something more light and nourishing you can choose to prepare a few delightful sesame cookies. Do you want to know how to prepare them? Them learn to do continuation!

(I resided …)

Fried chicken with lemon, oregano and garlic


Do you want to take one evening to enjoy cooking? Without doubts that there is an immensity of recipes that you can choose. Now I complicate you a little more the decision and present this fried chicken recipe to you with lemon, oregano and garlic. Spectacular!

(I resided …)

Fried chicken with lemon, oregano and garlic


Do you want to take one evening to enjoy cooking? Without doubts that there is an immensity of recipes that you can choose. Now I complicate you a little more the decision and present this fried chicken recipe to you with lemon, oregano and garlic. Spectacular!

(I resided …)

Fried chicken with lemon, oregano and garlic

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Steak with sauce of mustard and balsamic vinegar

Often it spends to us that we are very tired and friends or relatives give us the pretty surprise of which after the visit they will remain to have dinner. Undoubtedly to spend the time with the family performs the most lively thing, but to cook for so many people and from contingency of course does not turn out to be so agreeable. So, do not worry, when pass that, it tries in spite of delighting with these simple steak steak with sauce of mustard and balsamic vinegar.

(I resided …)

Pork cracklings pies

The pies are a recipe that we must never underestimate. It can be a versatile plate, and can extract us of a trouble so much when the boys get impatient or when unexpected visits come to house. So, today we tell you how some to do very rich of pork cracklings. They are going to love you.

(I resided …)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Recipe of bread of Cremona


If you have not cheered up to prepare home-made bread yet this can be an excellent opportunity: I present to you the recipe of the bread of cremona. Nothing better than a crispy and warm bread to start the day or to try in half of the evening. It tries to do it at home, you will love insurance.

(I resided …)

Sweet jam of bilberries, cherries and nuts


Nothing better than to accompany the toasts of the breakfast on a delightful jam. And if we speak about really exquisite jams we cannot leave aside this jam of bilberries, cherries and nuts. A perfect combination that will doubt a very little time in your ice-cream maker. Your family will love!

(I resided …)

Chestnuts pudding


The winter approaches and they know: of what is it a period? Of chestnuts! Rich in vitamins and minerals, the chestnut turns out to be perfect for the lovers of the healthy and natural feeding. And skylight, his exquisite flavor does it of the most versatile thing for all kinds of recipes. today we teach you to add it to your diet with a sweet pudding.

(I resided …)

Simple attacked pig chops


Do you have less half an hour to cook and to have dinner? Neither enter panic nor resort to the delivery. This half an hour will be a sufficient time to prepare these rich attacked pig chops. They are so rapid that in less than one hour you will have the dinner ready for the whole family.

(I resided …)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Wasbi or not wasabi: real and of lie


The wasabi is a plant and a Japanese seasoning. The plant is the ingredients and his seasoning, the final product. This seasoning is known extensively, thanks to the internationalization of the Asian meal. Do you meet him?

If they have proved it, they will know the following thing: his force does not reside so much in the itch, but in the steams that are transmitted along the nostrils and produce an ardor sensation. This sensation is very brief, it does not last a lot of time as on having eaten chilis and hence, it is very satisfactory.

In the Japanese meal it is used in many plates. Especially in the sushi, the sashimi or some types of donburi. But also it is possible to consume in other forms. In Japan, for example, it is possible to find in the shape of sprouts and to incorporate it into salads, stews, etc. Y also aperitifs exist with flavor to wasabi.

(I resided …)

Cookies of bilberries, nuts and chips of chocolate


If you are tired of the desserts light and want to eat something forceful once and for all copy this recipe to yourself and prepare these spectacular cookies of bilberries, nuts and chips of chocolate. They are not for anything complicated to do this way (therefore you must not worry if you do not have too many skills in the kitchen). You will have left these cookies perfect and he will be grateful to you for your palate.

(I resided …)

Chops of grilled lamb with chimichurri of mint


If you wait friends at home you cannot defraud them with the meal. You have to prepare something special for the occasion and nothing better than a few lamb chops with chimichurri of mint. A recipe simple to cook but with very much style. Sure that they have never proved something like that and they will want that you tell them how you did it.

(I resided …)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Green Jewish women with glacé of honey and mustard


If you have children of course understand how complicated it is to achieve that they eat the vegetables: truth? All the children end up by doing a dissection of the plate and in the rims they always finish up to the most teeny-weeny vegetables … Since, I am sure that these green Jewish women with glacé of honey and mustard will be a good idea to make them change of seeming.

(I resided …)

Delightful home-made sandwich of smoked

Although most of the times a simple sándwich is part of the snack of the boys, the true thing is that it can be a good and light dinner if you do not have a lot of time or win of cooking. Today we tell you how to prepare a delightful home-made sandwich of smoked.

(I resided …)

Delightful home-made sandwich of smoked


Although most of the times a simple sándwich is part of the snack of the boys, the true thing is that it can be a good and light dinner if you do not have a lot of time or win of cooking. Today we tell you how to prepare a delightful home-made sandwich of smoked.

(I resided …)

Delightful home-made sandwich of smoked


Although most of the times a simple sándwich is part of the snack of the boys, the true thing is that it can be a good and light dinner if you do not have a lot of time or win of cooking. Today we tell you how to prepare a delightful home-made sandwich of smoked.

(I resided …)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Carrots with glazed of cider


Your recipes of chicken, fish or bovine meat deserve a rich accompanist, but we go, the classic salad of lettuce and tomato proves already of more boring. Also, to this height they should already have advanced enough in his culinary talent, that's why today we tell them how to prepare these delightful carrots with glazed of cider. A real delight to accompany your favorite recipes.

(I resided …)

It grazes with fresh tomato and pine nut kernels


If that tired them with the pasta but the certain thing is that, modestly, I am right when I say that not only they are delightful but also they result from the most versatile thing for when we want to cook. For example, today we prepare it with fresh tomato and pine nut kernels, and the best thing is that only you are necessary a few minutes.

(I resided …)

Rich spirals of bacon and cheese


To big and boys they will love these spirals of bacon and cheese. They are very simple to realize and the best thing is that there will be your best joker to stop to all contentments. They can be perfect for the snack or like aperitif for a rich dinner with friends. After one you will not be able to stop.

(I resided …)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Drumsticks with tomato and olives


If in your ice-cream maker you have a pair of drumsticks extract them already same and begin to prepare this plate. We will accompany them on tomatoes and olives in a combination that will turn into a delight for the whole family.

(I resided …)

Protocol: informal table


Not long ago we speak about the rules of protocol to stretch a formal table. But what raisin with the informal tables? After all, gala does not live through one after gala. And even if this way it was, they are going to say to me that they do not have an informal cenita occasionally.

(I resided …)

How to eat sushi


What do you think of the sushi? Do you like? If it is like that, you should eat it well. Have respect to this saucer and eat it as it owes. After all, anyone can sit down in a table and order sushi. But to eat it well … for that it is necessary to learn.

(I resided …)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Figs salad with yogurt of goat milk and cardamina


If you look for a salad recipe to prepare at home and are tired always of doing in the same I make sure you that this figs salad with yogurt of goat milk and cardamina it will overcome your expectations. In case you do not find any of the ingredients perfectly you can replace them with others. In the kitchen everything is a question of creating!

(I resided …)